學測兩段式規範作文Demo 38 同不同意乾凈能源,提出您的看法 by David Pai

 學測兩段式規範作文Demo 38 同不同意乾凈能源,提出您的看法 by David Pai





Here are  the pictures of  the example of clean energy  .One is with a row  of huge windmills poles one by one  towering in the sea.As the wind  blows,the leafets of them keep rotating from time to time.The other one  is with hundreds photo-electric plates siting on the land and two windmill poles are beside them

I am in favor of adopting the clean energy policy for the below reasons:

For the first, the human life is in the first priority beyond all others. As civilization goes,it is a wise and sustainable decision. Some pollutants may damage the earth in the long turn.PM2.5 is a culprit for fuel-burning plants.Once it pollutes,it is hard or long-enduring to recover . Then, the sights with the settings of  clean resources can help local torism and boost local  financial incomes.The revenue can make up the expense of constructing them . Some call it non-chimeny industry.Last, the balanced  budget  should not only  focus on the city only.We can be glad to see the equal development in urban and rural area.

