中高級中英翻譯訓練 07 台灣小街的咖啡店Coffee shop in the alley by David Pai

 高級中英翻譯訓練 07 台灣小街的咖啡店Coffee shop in the alley   

by David Pi

ハハ珈琲店  PaPa Coffee shop 



Taipei is a coffee city, with a lot of stores, where there have been new expanding stores, and some stores have closed business.


Perhaps the popular style is different, some attention to coffee, some main desserts, some create an atmosphere


Some coffee shops just provide a breathing space for some people or the bosses themselves.

4. 關於台北,第一時間我就想起這家咖啡店。

About Taipei, I immediately thought of this coffee shop.

5. 在中山區雙城街附近,會到這裡吃第一餐。

Near Shuangcheng Street in Zhongshan District, I will come here for the first meal.

6. 或許因為常來,或許因為當時店才開業不久,又或許因為一些價值觀的認同,跟老闆成了朋友

Maybe because of the frequent visit, maybe because the store only opened soon, and maybe because of some values of recognition,we  became friends with the boss

7. 有時她會倒一小杯梅酒或柚子酒請我喝。

Sometimes she poured a small cup of plum or grapefruit to ask me.

ハハ珈琲店  PaPa Coffee shop

8. 店裡除了咖啡和茶,門口的植栽、播放的音樂、老闆選的漫畫與雜誌

In addition to coffee and tea, there are the door planting, music playing, comics and magazines selected by the boss

9. 講到特色,貼滿海報與明信片的廁所、收編的流浪貓,還有溫熱的餐點與柔軟蛋糕

When it comes to special features, there are toilets full with posters and postcards, adopted stray cats, and warm meals and soft cakes

10. 這些都是我覺得一家咖啡店會成為大家的日常,很常具備的要素,療癒城市人的心。

These are what I think a coffee shop will become a daily element, and heal the hearts of urban people.


11. 這家咖啡店卻成為我記憶中溫暖的存在,即使後來搬去其他地方,也還是會再回來


This coffee shop became a warm presence in my memory and I will come back to eat the store meal and cake even after I moved elsewhere

12. 當您再次前往,從捷運圓山站出發,會遇到台北市立美術館

When you go again and start from the MRT Yuanshan Station, you will meet the Taipei Municipal Art Museum

13. 有遇到持續進化的花博公園和共融式遊戲場

There are encountered continuous evolution of Huabo park and communion game field

14. 還有在店附近發現擁有貓屋的街貓,是前往咖啡店路上另一種有意思的風景。

There is also a street cat found near the shop, which is another interesting view on the way to the coffee shop.

Huabo park

有貓屋的街貓Street Cat with houses

