學測兩段式規範作文Demo 37 Too much stress can depress people by David Pai

 學測兩段式規範作文Demo 37  Too much stress can depress people  by David Pai


第一段以Too much stress can depress people為主


第二段則以The best way to handle stress is.為主題句


Stress  has existed since  the dawn of civilization long long ago . Too much stress can depress us. Many take it for granted and survive with better-off ,while some feel entangled of it ,and suffer from it voluntarily or involuntarilt on some occassions. Few even turn it a sickness with constant stress again and agin.Having a stress is no guilt,much less to discuss and admit your stess.To be modern man, you may  feel it necessay to learn how to cope with social stress.As a psychologist’s saying goese,The least stress one bear,the more likely constructive he turns.


How to turn down stress,there must be some wise ways from literature. Once an authorative reading tells that just think others ,not focused too long or too much on the same‘difficulty’,but think ‘ differtently on survial ‘ Therefore the best way to handle stress is 'think differently' ; chance may always come after sevral-time failure or tries .AS Edison  said,heseldom feel stress but  constant inspiration , before the birth of light bulb after hundred times of failure. This is not only a cue but a proof.


