學測兩段式看圖規範作文Demo 43 對情緒勒索blackmail的看法 by David Pai

 學測兩段式看圖規範作文Demo 43 



In my eye, that blackmail can be effective lies in  the  situation we are afraid of the other's negative emotion  imposed on us, which makes the recipients in discomfort,even though the blackmail is not justified.Some turn into the victims of the often emotion blackmailers.This is not a matter of right or wrong,but  the one of whether the reasons behind the blackmails is justified or not.

One example I read from a news that a girl threaten  her boyfriend by showing  a poor face expression while he doesn't follow her purpose to  do something.She even doesn't say anything bad about him, but by the means-silence.Eventualy,she get a upper hand.But I doubt if the strategic emotion black mail can always succeed in making the counterpart obedient.

