學測兩段式看圖規範作文Demo 42 體驗不同風情 by David Pai
學測兩段式看圖規範作文Demo 42
The activities I would like to participate in most is Water Festival in Thailand.There are several reasons for me to participate in: For the first, it refresh my spirit to experience the exotic activity.I believe experiecing foreign culures can open my horison. As confucious’ saying,”Read scrolls of books,and expeidate long miles.”,which contains the wisdom “move and learn”.Then I can make a comparasion of culure between Taiwan’s and Thailand’s,which may inpire my thinking. Last but not least, I would like to enrich my albium by this trip. Then I can introduce it to my descendant.
In the beginning, before the dawn,you can find people prepared for all kinds of containters on purpose at every corner you can see.Almost none wears raincoat. Ater 8,the annual routine kicked off.A fierce fit of water fight from everywhere. Exclamations burst out from place to place without any complaint.It is imaginable that they wants to get soaking wet to excahnge for getting blessed in the following year.At this moment of climax, both the sprasher and the sprashed are in a high mood.Even though some are alredy seriiously soaked,they still appreciate it ,and welcome the next sprash. Everything is not messy at all. In the end,the remains are cleared away,the outlook of the scene resore into original place.