中高級英文翻譯訓練 08 古蹟歷史老建築 宗教朝聖Historical sites and Religious pilgrimage by David Pai
古蹟歷史老建築 宗教朝聖
Historical sites and Religious pilgrimage
景點介紹Attractions introduction
1. 位於迪化街1段的霞海城隍廟,建於西元1856(咸豐六年),占地約46餘坪
Xia Huahai City God Temple, located in the 1 section of Dihua Street, was built in1856 (Xianfeng the sixth year) and covers an area of more than 46 pings
2. 雖沒有巍峨之廟貌,然其信仰圈極廣、香火鼎盛
Although there is no towering temple appearance, but its belief circle is very wide, with incense heyday
3. 每逢迎神賽會總是熱鬧非凡、蔚為地方大事,與大稻埕的地方發展息息相關。
Every god-welcoming competition is always lively and is a local event, closely related to the local development of DadDaocheng
4. 城隍廟內主祀霞海城隍老爺,從祀二判官(文、武判)、謝范二將軍(七、八爺),配祀三十八義勇公。
City God temple in the Lord worship Hai City God Lord, from the worship of two judges (Wen, Wu), Xie Fan two generals (the seventh, the eight grand man), with worship of 38 braves.
5. 也包括城隍夫人、八司官、八將軍、馬使爺、及月下老人等
Also included are the worshiooed, Lady City God, Lord Eight Division Marshal, General Eight , Ma Master, and the Moon Old Man of Matchmaker
6. 這座著名的古廟,目前有200尊左右的神像,是臺灣神像密度最高的廟。
The famous ancient temple, which currently has about 200 statues, is the highest density temple in Taiwan.
7. 在霞海城隍廟中,除了城隍爺之外,最吸引遊客的,莫過於拜月老
In the Xiahai City God Temple, in addition to the City God Lord, the most attractive tourists, is to worship the Moon Old Man of Matchmaker
8. 每年帶著禮餅來答謝者超過6000對
More than 6,000 pairs of couples bring gifts here to express thanks every year
9. 而其中禮物最搶手的就是馭夫鞋(又名幸福鞋),是臺北市有名的「愛情御守」
Among them, the most popular gift is husband-control shoes (also known as happiness shoes), is Taipei ‘s famous "love guard"
10. 平均每年到霞海城隍廟「求鞋」民眾更超過200對家庭。
On average, more than 200 more families come to Xiahai City God Temple to ask for the 'magic shoes' every year.
11. 相傳城隍爺和城隍夫人相差約70歲
Legend has it that Mr.City God and Mrs.City God are about 70 years apart
12. 「老夫疼少妻」下,民間深信這對「神仙伴侶」可為家庭帶來幸福,造就了「馭夫鞋」的由來。
Under the saying "the old husband cherishingly love the young wife", the folk deeply believe that the "immortal partner" can bring happiness to the family and create the origin of the "master shoes".
13. 城隍廟在坊間傳說中,還有著1段神蹟故事。
City God Temple in the street legend, there is also a god miracle story.
14. 1884年,中法戰爭時,法軍來攻臺灣,當時的臺北人來此虔誠祈禱霞海城隍爺的保護。
In 1884, during the Sino-French War, the French army came to attack Taiwan, and the Taipei people came here to sincerely pray for the protection of Xiahai City God Lord.
15. 城隍爺果然大顯靈赫
City god was really prominent,and show its power
And finally ,the French ,defeated at the Fifth Blocks, failed to capture Taipei, so the people respected the Xiahai City god as Lord Mighty Wei-Ling.