學測兩段式規範作文(44)-如何處理正面或負面情緒 by David Pai


by David Pai


說明: 1.依提示在「答案卷」上寫一篇英文作文。


提示:人是情感的動物,也因此會有各種的情緒,而情緒的起伏變化也會影響著自己感受和人際關係。在這一年多來的COVID-19疫情影響之下,許多隔離或是在家工作。在較少的面對面人際接觸下,人們較常感(loneliness/solitude)、害怕(fear還有焦慮(anxiety而在現今競爭的社會中,想要成功的人,除了要有IQ(intlligence quotient),更要具備EQ(emotional intelligence),因此情緒管理(emotion management)成為一門不可或缺的人生功課。現在請你寫一篇作文,



In retrospect of past,there was a refreshing experience .I joined an activity to donate your useless computer,and teach the computer skill for the remote poor underprivileged school children.That was a big harvest to me . Meanwhile,I feel proud of my doing ,the happiness reward seem still reside in my mind.And those I donated my computer  to often express their thanks and blessings to warm my heart.Now I learn that helping the needed can be the fountain of energy.Then , after I learn the tip of positive energy source by helping others .You can expand  your application to those around you within your ability.

How to keep the positive emotion?From the event,I learn that you can create a chance to help those in need  around in trivial things.For example,you can find a thing you're good at ,and help those lacking  it. If you are good at playing badminton,you can share your tips ,and do some volunteer help in coaching.This way ,you not only sharpen your skill,but receive respect both from yourself and those helped by you . As a saying goes, good motivation knock the door of high spirits,and making the motivation come true keep you stay in high spirits

