學測兩段式看圖規範作文(45)-父母對你的教養 by David Pai


by David Pai




第一段說明你的父母對你的教養是以上哪一種方式,若四種都不符合,請描述你 父母對你的教養方式。

第二段說明你是否認同這樣的教方式、有何利弊,或是你希望 這樣的教養方式有什麼可以改善。


Ask kids to be totally obedient.

Choose punishment over discipline


Make rule for children.

Commuincate with children.


Provide proper care.

Let children do what they want,


Provide no guidance or care

Don't pay attention guidance or care to children.

My family's children education style is authorative one. They demand  me to meet the basic requirements, like doing the homework in time and practicing studying as a routine but meanwhile allow me to have the flexibility to decide what to do and how to do it.For example,they will pay for what I want to learn, but want me to study to keep a benchmark grade as a regular student‘s job. I can have my leisure time ,but I cannot leave school work too far .They are bounty to give me allowances to purchase what I like .They are sometimes a good listener to chat with me . 

I am quite adapted to the education style,and it does help me a good character;But I think ,I need to be try different things to open my horizon besides my parents’  influence. There can be something I cannot learn from parents.For example,teamwork is learned through interaction with my classmates and teachers, not from my parents.I may need to learn social skills by attending volunteer jobs.But for this change ,I need to communicate with my parents to support me to have such extracurricular volunteer participation.And. I need to strike a balance the time spent  for  between schoolwork and the voluntary job




學測圖表作文題 :關注及較不關注的新聞主題 by David Pai