學測看圖兩段式規範作文(52)-描述一個令你尷尬的經驗 an embarrassing experience by David Pai (白正為)

學測看圖兩段式規範作文 一個令你尷尬的經驗 兩段式英文作文 第一段描述一個令你尷尬的經驗 第二段從這個經驗你們學到什麼樣的教訓或是感想 One morning not long ago ,in my memory,the alarm clock failed to go off ,and I woke up late half an hour than scheduled.A fit of panic burst out,and I started to be aware that I had to leave as soon as can be,or I would be late for school.Therefore,almost subconsciously I grasped my wallet,rushing to bus stop.I got onto the bus, panting without extra time to take a breath.what an embarrassing moment came,I lost my wallet,and couldn't check me out.I had to leave the bus,or I would be late.I blushed, felt ashamed ,and was most embarrassed at that time of getting off . Thanks God,in the crucial time, an nice lady helped me out.she paid double fare for her and me, just saying" All right, don't worry about this!" What deserves me to learn is that there are many things between you and those around you, which we should not be self-centered in ego-priority. Some...