
目前顯示的是 5月, 2022的文章

學測寫信兩段式規範作文-(53)I feel it a pity to return you PIPI by David Pai (白正為)

  學測寫信兩段式規範作文-(53) I feel it a pity to return you PIPI   by David Pai (白正為) 學測寫信兩段式規範作文-I feel it a pity to return you PIPI  by David Pai 二・英文作文 ( 占 20 分 ) 說明 :1, 依提示寫英文作文 2 文長至少 120 個字 (words) 【提示 ) 你的朋友 Alice 養了三隻狗·她送你一隻當作禮物·你也欣燃接受 , 但之後 , 你發現你照顧不來 , 想把狗還給她 請寫一封英文書信 , 文分兩段· 第一段說明你無法繼續養這隻小狗的原因 : 第二段說明若 Alice 也無法照顧此狗 , 有什麼其他的解决方案 你的署名必須是 Zack 或 Zoe Dear Alice, First, I would like to express my thanks for your benevolence of giving me a lovely doggie.In the beginnning it does make a great fun in my like with the new member of Pipi.With time getting along, I found it replenishing/adding some incovenience  and nosie to my life. To my disturbance,  I find  that,in the day,nobody can take care of PIPI,and he is alone,and even often  made a sorrowful voice.What is worse, its occassionally barking  often makes me fail to have a sound sleep,and thus affect my next-day  enegry for school. I apologize for it cruel to listen to my advice to return the pet to you.But in deep consid

ENGLISH WRITING DRILL step by step(02) (英文寫作循序養成訓練教學) by David Pai

  ENGLISH WRITING DRILL step by step(02)  (英文寫作循序養成訓練教學)  by David Pai https://drive.google.com/file/d/1t_aJFvBY_5nFq2nFPRrxkdttfUb4YzFQ/view?usp=sharing

ENGLISH WRITING DRILL step by step (01) (英文寫作循序養成訓練教學) by David Pai

  ENGLISH WRITING DRILL step by step(01)  (英文寫作循序養成訓練教學)  by David Pai https://drive.google.com/file/d/1t_aJFvBY_5nFq2nFPRrxkdttfUb4YzFQ/view?usp=sharing