學測圖表作文題 :關注及較不關注的新聞主題 by David Pai 作文 提示:上圖顯示美國 18 至 29 歲的青年對不同類別之新聞的關注度統計。請依據圖表內容寫一篇英文作文,文長至少 120 個單詞。文分二段, 第一段 描述圖表內容,並指出關注度較高及偏低的類別 第二段則描述在這六個新聞類別中,你自己較為關注及較不關注的新聞主題分別為何,並說明理由。 Here is the bar chart showing the ratio of average American’s most-attended news. Based on/according to the figures ,we can learn that the most and and the least attracted/heeded news items are “environment and disaster' and "art and culture" accounting for 69% ,and 30% respectively.As for 'social issues ', 'internatinal affairs', and' entertainment and celebrity ,'each falls in the small range of around 60 , for 64% ,58%and 59% We can learn that Top 2 items average Ameicans favor are 'environment and disaster'and 'social issues' ,accounting for 69% ,and 64%,while/whereas '' and 'school and education' and'art and culture' are the least attended/heeded items, for 49% ,and 30%. As for 'internatinal affairs' and