
學測寫信規範作文(55)-My best friend-beef up yourself by David Pai (白正為)

 學測寫信規範作文(55)- My best friend-beef up yourself   by David Pai (白正為) 學測寫信規範作文- My best friend-beef up yourself   by David Pai 二 、英文作文( 占 20 分) 說明 :依 提 示寫一篇英文作文 ,文 長 至少 120 個 單詞 ( words ) 。 提示: 你( 英文名字必須假設為 Ben 或 Jane ) 最好的朋友( 英文名字必須假設為 Tom 或Mary) 最近因才藝比字練舞時受傷而必須坐輪椅半年 ,所以近日鬱鬱寡歡,成績也一落千丈。請以此為主題寫一封信鼓勵他(她)振作起來,並提供一些實際的方法來排除 他(她)心裡的負面情緒 。 必須使用上述的 Ben 或 Jane  在信末署名 , 不得使用自己的真實中文或英文名字 。   Dear Mary, My friend, I feel sorry hearing from our teacher that you got injuried and it made you have to stay on the wheel for a period. I can fully understand what a big strike on your mind and body. And it is a pity that I cannot walk out with you freely and frequently as before.But in earnest, I hope ,meantime,you can walk out from the bottom of the valley,restart,and make the best of you. As we know, life goes through ups and downs,despite whether you are a celebrity or nobody.There is none all the time smooth. So,try to think positively ,not feeling sad for the pas...

學測寫信兩段式規範作文(54)-Two revolutionary Product to Choose 挑選兩項之一即將上市之新科技產品By David Pai (白正為)

  學測寫信兩段式規範作文(54)- Two revolutionary Product to Choose 挑選兩項之一即將上市之新科技產品 By David Pai (白正為) 學測寫信兩段式規範作文- 挑選兩項之一即將上市之新科技產品Two revolutionary Product to Choose  By David Pai 二、英文作又 ( 占 20 分 ) 說明 : 依提示寫一篇英文作文 , 文長至少 120 個單詞 (words) 提示 : 以下有兩項即將上市之新科技產品 : 1. 健康食物標 (Healthy Food Labeling) 隨著時間 , 標籤根據食物的狀況自己改變顏色。透過視覺就能知道食物是否可食用 , 如果標籤是綠色 , 代表食品依舊新鮮可食 , 仍在保存期限內可供食用 , 如果標是紅色 , 則代表食物本身可能已變質 2. 聲波滅火器 (Sound-wave Etinquisher) 透過無人機發射聲波可以阻擋火焰中的氧氣傳導 , 當頻率正確 , 火勢就能被撲滅。這樣的滅火器可以加速消防隊員或是直升機滅火的工作效率 , 且這樣的滅火器不會有過期的問題。 如果明年其中一項產品確定會上市 , 你會希望哪一項產品能先上市 ? 請以此為主题 , 寫一篇至少 120 個詞的英文作文。文分兩段 , 第一段說明你的選擇及理由。第二段舉例說明未來這項產品將如何使用以及會帶來什麼改變。 IF both new revolutionary hi-tech  hit the market next year, I,without doubt, will pick the one on the left ,which ,with artificail intelligence in my eye, can tell the consumer the freshness level  by changing color label.The reason for me to  select it for is as follows: For the first, compared to the smart extinquisher (SE )on the right,Health ...

學測寫信兩段式規範作文-(53)I feel it a pity to return you PIPI by David Pai (白正為)

  學測寫信兩段式規範作文-(53) I feel it a pity to return you PIPI   by David Pai (白正為) 學測寫信兩段式規範作文-I feel it a pity to return you PIPI  by David Pai 二・英文作文 ( 占 20 分 ) 說明 :1, 依提示寫英文作文 2 文長至少 120 個字 (words) 【提示 ) 你的朋友 Alice 養了三隻狗·她送你一隻當作禮物·你也欣燃接受 , 但之後 , 你發現你照顧不來 , 想把狗還給她 請寫一封英文書信 , 文分兩段· 第一段說明你無法繼續養這隻小狗的原因 : 第二段說明若 Alice 也無法照顧此狗 , 有什麼其他的解决方案 你的署名必須是 Zack 或 Zoe Dear Alice, First, I would like to express my thanks for your benevolence of giving me a lovely doggie.In the beginnning it does make a great fun in my like with the new member of Pipi.With time getting along, I found it replenishing/adding some incovenience  and nosie to my life. To my disturbance,  I find  that,in the day,nobody can take care of PIPI,and he is alone,and even often  made a sorrowful voice.What is worse, its occassionally barking  often makes me fail to have a sound sleep,and thus affect my next-day  enegry for school. I apologize for it cruel to listen to my a...

ENGLISH WRITING DRILL step by step(02) (英文寫作循序養成訓練教學) by David Pai

  ENGLISH WRITING DRILL step by step(02)  (英文寫作循序養成訓練教學)  by David Pai https://drive.google.com/file/d/1t_aJFvBY_5nFq2nFPRrxkdttfUb4YzFQ/view?usp=sharing

ENGLISH WRITING DRILL step by step (01) (英文寫作循序養成訓練教學) by David Pai

  ENGLISH WRITING DRILL step by step(01)  (英文寫作循序養成訓練教學)  by David Pai https://drive.google.com/file/d/1t_aJFvBY_5nFq2nFPRrxkdttfUb4YzFQ/view?usp=sharing

學測看圖兩段式規範作文(52)-描述一個令你尷尬的經驗 an embarrassing experience by David Pai (白正為)

學測看圖兩段式規範作文 一個令你尷尬的經驗   兩段式英文作文 第一段描述一個令你尷尬的經驗 第二段從這個經驗你們學到什麼樣的教訓或是感想 One morning not long ago ,in my memory,the alarm clock failed to go off ,and I woke up late  half an hour than scheduled.A fit of panic  burst out,and I  started to be aware  that I had to leave as soon as can be,or I would be late for school.Therefore,almost subconsciously I  grasped my wallet,rushing to bus stop.I got onto the bus, panting without extra time to take a  breath.what an embarrassing moment came,I lost my wallet,and couldn't check me out.I had to leave the bus,or I would be late.I blushed, felt ashamed ,and  was  most embarrassed  at that time of getting off .  Thanks God,in the crucial time, an nice lady helped me out.she paid double fare for her and me, just saying" All right, don't worry about this!" What deserves me to learn is that there are many things between you and those around you, which we should not be self-centered in ego-priority. Some...

學測看圖兩段式規範作文看圖作文(51)-開放情景與疫情 Pandemic and Ban-lift by David Pai(白正為)

  學測看圖兩段式規範作文看圖作文(51)- 開放情景與疫情Pandemic and Ban-lift     by David Pai (白正為)   學測看圖兩段式規範作文看圖作文-開放情景與疫情Pandemic and Ban-lift    by David Pai 第一段說明兩張圖看到的故事 第二段寫你以遊客的觀點或是與當局管理者的觀點提出你的看法 It is  Ching-ming consecetive holidays.Many people of all walks of life and ages in Taiwan simontaniously use the chance  swarming into the streets or the resorts even though the pandemic situation is seeming worse with the climbing number of covid-19 victims . There is no sanction for people to go out.As a result,come into the sight are the waves  of people  ,one after another,from morning to night. The road is close to blockage at a baffling pace. I would like to be alongside with the authority  to give some opinion: First, for those outgoers,please wear masks  and keep an safety distance ,or  heavy fine will be given to.No ban but follow the requirement. Second,if having any symptoms of cough ,even minor, better cancel the trip,and ...