
學測兩段式規範作文(48)-What a ideal school is 一個理想的學校應該具備什麼樣的條件 by David Pai (白正為)

  學測兩段式規範作文(48)- What a ideal school is 一個理想的學校應該具備什麼樣的條件  by David Pai (白正為) 英文作文 第一段描述你學校的特色 第二段依你認為,一個理想的學校應該具備什麼樣的條件 My school is located near the downtown in Hsin-Den county, with the size of 7 or 8 soccer playgrounds/ 7 or 8 soccer playgrounds big. It is beside the road with about 2000 students, co-ed. Although the facilities are old, there are good tables and chairs and even 2 air-conditioners in each classroom. Also, there is a well-working restaurant, providing different kinds of dishes, in western or Chinese styles. I think an ideal school should include the following features: For the first, it must be have enough restrooms, or students may have to wait in line to satisfy their natural calls, especially in a peak time.Then, a sound maintaining plan and budget is indispensable/necessary to keep the school running on the track/in good condition.Furthermore, everyone should play a proper role in making the campus sustainable. For example, to keep the campus neat and cl...

學測兩段式規範作文-理想公園 (47)The ideal Park by David Pai

學測兩段式規範作文(47)-理想公園 The ideal Park   by David Pai Here are the pictures showing 2 parks with distinctive features. On the left is the one with some fun facilities for kids to play with ,such as slides, Logo blocks, bridges, lift-up poles, and artificial turf. And the other one is with a spacious green land on which there are plenty of trees and green grass,along with refreshing/fresh air and crooked paths. The ideal park ,in my eye, should include the following: For the first, it should include people-friendly facilities, such as clean restrooms, enough room and seats for visitors to stay at, and guide signs, introducing each part. If possible, it can be a plus to have a custom service, giving answer to newcomers’ inquiry. Then, there must be a place for visitor to rest, even to eat and enjoy the scenery . By this ,the customer have more time to enjoy and solve their hunger and their natural calls.  Furthermore, the park can provide unique and appealing characteristics, su...

學測兩段式規範作文(46)-台灣世界上最有名的或為傲項目 by David Pai (白正為)

學測兩段式規範作文(46)-台灣世界上最有名的或為傲項目  by David Pai (白正為) 英文作文:  舉例說明,台灣世界上最有名的或為傲項目,包含人情,風俗習慣,產品,製度甚至於文化 第一段:至少舉例一想,說明這個有名的產品,風景,文化,風俗習慣和製度 第二段說明為什麼會有名的原因 The item I am proud of is Taiwan’s MRT systems and passengers’ riding manners   , forming a good impressions on most passengers from abroad and local.First, people can get a good service at a quite a affordable price.In my eye,it is a good buy with such a high utility.Besides,the ticketing can be on just one swiping,all matters are settled.What counts is that everyone is so kind and voluntary to make room for the aging as a people's routine . This brings about/mirrors an amiable image of ‘peace-and- love ride'.Besides, almost no litterings you can find. Neat  ,tidy and efficient is the whole picture of MRT.Also the administrators are  so active in services to meet the riders’ demand at a fast pace. The outstanding of MRT systems and benevolent riding manners derive from /lies in the following factors: First, with...

學測兩段式看圖規範作文(45)-父母對你的教養 by David Pai

  學測兩段式看圖規範作文(45)-父母對你的教養  by David Pai 英文作文 提示 : 以下四張圖顯示常見的四種父母教孩子的方式 , 请以此為主題 , 寫一篇至少 120 字的作文。 第一段說明你的父母對你的教養是以上哪一種方式 , 若四種都不符合 , 請描述你 父母對你的教養方式。 第二段說明你是否認同這樣的教方式、有何利弊 , 或是你希望 這樣的教養方式有什麼可以改善。 1.Authoritarian: Ask kids to be totally obedient. Choose punishment over discipline 2.Authoritative: Make rule for children. Commuincate with children. 3.Permissive Provide proper care. Let children do what they want, 4.Uninvolved: Provide no guidance or care Don't pay attention guidance or care to children. My family's children education style is authorative one. They demand  me to meet the basic requirements, like doing the homework in time and practicing studying as a routine but meanwhile allow me to have the flexibility to decide what to do and how to do it.For example,they will pay for what I want to learn, but want me to study to keep a benchmark grade as a regular student‘s job. I can have my leisure time ,but I cannot leave school work to...

學測兩段式規範作文(44)-如何處理正面或負面情緒 by David Pai

  學測兩段式規範作文(44)-如何處理正面或負面情緒  by David Pai 英文作文 ( 占 20 分 ) 說明 : 1. 依提示在「答案卷」上寫一篇英文作文。 2. 文長至少 120 字。 提示 : 人是情感的動物 , 也因此會有各種的情緒 , 而情緒的起伏變化也會影響著自己感受和人際關係。在這一年多來的 COVID-19 疫情影響之下 , 許多 隔離或是在家工作。在較少的面對面人際接觸下 , 人們較常感 (loneliness/solitude) 、害怕 (fear 還有焦慮 (anxiety 而在現今競爭的社 會中 , 想要成功的人 , 除了要有 IQ(intlligence quotient), 更要具備 EQ (emotional intelligence), 因此情緒管理 (emotion management) 成為一門不 可或缺的人生功課。現在請你寫一篇作文 , 第一段中寫出你曾經歷的一次正面或負面情緒經驗 , 包括指出這種情緒是什麼 , 你有哪些反應 : 第二段請說說你 是如何讓自己常保這種正面情緒 , 或如何處理這種負面情緒。 In retrospect of past,there was a refreshing experience .I joined an activity to donate your useless computer,and teach the computer skill for the remote poor underprivileged school children.That was a big harvest to me . Meanwhile,I feel proud of my doing ,the happiness reward seem still reside in my mind.And those I donated my computer  to often express their thanks and blessings to warm my heart.Now I learn that helping the needed can be the fountain of energy.Then , after I learn th...

學測圖表作文題 :學生進行減糖看法 by David Pai

  學測圖表作文題 :學生進行減糖看法 by David Pai 作文 : 請分項回答下列問題。 衛福部若欲針對  18  歲 ( 含 ) 以下的學生進行減糖宣導,請依據以上圖  1 、圖  2 第一段 : 請具體描述此圖內容 第二段 : 對於「中、小學校園禁止含糖飲料」,你贊成或反對 ? 提出你的看法 Here are the column graph showing the ratio of sugar intake among different sexes and age groups.Those figures reveal the information that people at a growing  and schooling age tend to consume more sugar up to the peak in senior high ,and then decline in demanding it from  a youth (around 80%)to an old  ( over 65    , down to 50%). In general,man take in more sugar than woman . I  tend to agree to let the school children has the total authority to consume sugar drinks rather than confine them or even forbid them from drinking sugar beverage. This policy may pose a difficulty  for the government or the school in practicing it.  Besides,it may be against the the basic human rights of eating freedom.The  forbidance is too much and strict,and almost narrow down the domai...

學測圖表作文題 :關注及較不關注的新聞主題 by David Pai

 學測圖表作文題 :關注及較不關注的新聞主題 by David Pai 作文 提示:上圖顯示美國 18 至 29 歲的青年對不同類別之新聞的關注度統計。請依據圖表內容寫一篇英文作文,文長至少 120 個單詞。文分二段, 第一段 描述圖表內容,並指出關注度較高及偏低的類別 第二段則描述在這六個新聞類別中,你自己較為關注及較不關注的新聞主題分別為何,並說明理由。 Here is the bar chart showing the ratio of average American’s most-attended news. Based on/according to the figures ,we can learn that the most and and the  least attracted/heeded news items are “environment and disaster' and "art and culture" accounting for 69% ,and 30% respectively.As for 'social issues ', 'internatinal affairs', and'  entertainment and celebrity ,'each falls in the small range of  around 60 ,  for 64% ,58%and 59%  We can learn that Top 2 items average Ameicans favor are 'environment and disaster'and 'social issues' ,accounting for 69% ,and 64%,while/whereas '' and 'school and education' and'art and culture' are the least attended/heeded items, for 49% ,and 30%. As for 'internatinal affairs' and ...