學測兩段式規範作文Demo 37 機器翻譯取代學習Machine translation by David Pai
學測兩段式規範作文Demo 37 機器翻譯取代學習Machine translation by David Pai 學測兩段式規範作文Demo 37 機器翻譯取代學習Machine translation by David Pai 機器翻譯 Machine translation 在生活上 , 旅遊上 , 商業上還有學習上面都可以都可以扮演溝通的角色 , 那是不是可以不用再學外語呢 ? 第一段寫你同不同意這樣的看法,然後為什麼 第二段就是說既然你說同意後或不同意,那你覺得應該要怎麼做比較好 Basically,I don't think machine translation can replace the role of language learning in essence.Instead,it can be helpful,and facilitate learning of languages.With the sense of "Time is money " deeply engrained in a mondern man's mind, learning language fast is the keynote .Therefore the gadget of translation machine is nothing more than a facilitater,used by its owners . Besides,using machine, not using your brain may make you "lose "original memory in machine , not keep in mind, which can make you poor in communication skills, especially when you stop learning foreign languages. In my eye,to use the translating machines still may lead to mistak...