
學測兩段式規範作文Demo 37 機器翻譯取代學習Machine translation by David Pai

   學測兩段式規範作文Demo 37  機器翻譯取代學習Machine translation  by David Pai 學測兩段式規範作文Demo 37  機器翻譯取代學習Machine translation  by David Pai 機器翻譯 Machine translation 在生活上 , 旅遊上 , 商業上還有學習上面都可以都可以扮演溝通的角色 , 那是不是可以不用再學外語呢 ? 第一段寫你同不同意這樣的看法,然後為什麼 第二段就是說既然你說同意後或不同意,那你覺得應該要怎麼做比較好   Basically,I don't think machine translation can   replace the role of language learning    in essence.Instead,it can be helpful,and facilitate learning of languages.With the   sense of "Time is money " deeply engrained in a mondern man's mind, learning language fast is the keynote .Therefore the gadget of translation machine is nothing more than a facilitater,used by its owners . Besides,using machine, not using your brain may make you "lose "original memory in machine , not keep in mind, which can make you poor in communication skills, especially when you stop learning foreign languages.   In my eye,to use the translating machines  still may lead to mistak...

中高級中英翻譯訓練 07 台灣小街的咖啡店Coffee shop in the alley by David Pai

 高級中英翻譯訓練 07 台灣小街的咖啡店Coffee shop in the alley    by David Pi ハハ珈琲店  PaPa Coffee shop    1. 台北是個咖啡之城,有非常多的店家,一直拓展新店,也陸續有些店家結束營業。 Taipei is a coffee city, with a lot of stores, where there have been new expanding stores, and some stores have closed business. 2. 或許每年流行的風格都不同,有的重視咖啡、有的主打甜點、有的營造氣氛 Perhaps the popular style is different, some attention to coffee, some main desserts, some create an atmosphere 3. 也有的 咖啡店 只是替某些人或老闆自己,提供一個喘息的空間。 Some coffee shops just provide a breathing space for some people or the bosses themselves. 4.  關於台北,第一時間我就想起這家咖啡店。 About Taipei, I immediately thought of this coffee shop. 5.  在中山區雙城街附近,會到這裡吃第一餐。 Near Shuangcheng Street in Zhongshan District, I   will come here for the first meal. 6.  或許因為常來,或許因為當時店才開業不久,又或許因為一些價值觀的認同,跟老闆成了朋友 Maybe because of the frequent visit, maybe because the store only opened soon, and maybe because of some values of recognition, we   became friends with the boss 7.  有時她會倒一小...

學測兩段式規範作文Demo 38 同不同意乾凈能源,提出您的看法 by David Pai

  學測兩段式規範作文Demo 38  同不同意乾凈能源,提出您的看法 by David Pai 第一段 描述此三張圖 第二段 您同不同意乾凈能源,提出您的看法 Here are  the pictures of  the example of clean energy  .One is with a row  of huge windmills poles one by one  towering in the sea.As the wind  blows,the leafets of them keep rotating from time to time.The other one  is with hundreds photo-electric plates siting on the land and two windmill poles are beside them I am in favor of adopting the clean energy policy for the below reasons: For the first, the human life is in the first priority beyond all others. As civilization goes,it is a wise and sustainable decision. Some pollutants may damage the earth in the long turn.PM2.5 is a culprit for fuel-burning plants.Once it pollutes,it is hard or long-enduring to recover . Then, the sights with the settings of  clean resources can help local torism and boost local  financial incomes.The revenue can make up the expense of constructing them . Some call it non-...

學測兩段式規範作文Demo 37 Too much stress can depress people by David Pai

 學測兩段式規範作文Demo 37  Too much stress can depress people  by David Pai 作文 第一段以 Too much stress can depress people 為主 題句 , 第二段則以 The best way to handle stress is. 為主題句   Stress  has existed since  the dawn of civilization  long long ago  . Too much stress can depress us. Many take it for granted and survive with better-off ,while some feel entangled of it ,and suffer from it voluntarily or involuntarilt on some occassions. Few even turn it a sickness with constant stress again and agin.Having a stress is no guilt,much less to discuss and admit your stess.To be modern man, you may  feel it necessay to learn how to cope with social stress.As a psychologist’s saying goese,The least stress one bear,the more likely constructive he turns.   How to turn down stress,there must be some wise ways from literature. Once an authorative reading tells that just think others ,not focused too long or too much on the same‘difficulty’,but think ...

學測兩段式規範作文Demo 36 描述你喜歡的科幻小說

  學測兩段式規範作文Demo 32    外送平台比較 第一段描述你喜歡的科幻小說的故事內容 第二段敘若情節成真 , 對世界或對人類的生活會有什麽影響 by David Pai One scientific fiction ever captured my young heart for quite a while,and even made me read it over and over again-the Robot-a story about a genius and his crystalized work an AI Robot.The story touches the topic how a AI robot can talk and learn from the hand of his master creater. The climax of the story is   that his AI should fall in love with the same woman as his master. In a novel sight, it cannnot be called master piece,but ,in my eye, it is no second to Harry Porter.  The plot describe the human weakness,especially the human love part  that eventualy engrained the robot to turn out a ‘betrayer’.   Once the plot becomes the possible picture of future fact, we need to be concerned about ‘Whether to make AI docile to humans or used in non-peace purpose” Of course,robots can be mass-produced,but too many or mal-use of them can depreciate the flesh huma...

學測看圖作文Demo 35 Pokeman-Go

  學測看圖作文Demo 35     Pokeman-Go  第一段 根據這3張圖描述故事 第二段根據這3張圖,你覺得你以政府的觀點或是以人民的觀點,來說明您的看法或建議 by David Pai Since the birth/dawn of Pokemon Go,it has made a sensation to different parts of worlds. Taiwan is included. Hunting the goblins as  collections seems to become many  people’s daily manual activity ,or the spiritual meal.  On the street,coming into sights are  a ll Pokemon fans. They packed up the street, with limited room remaining for traffic. They (the majority) desperately phobbed their cell phones first, more than watched the traffic.In the bird eye view,you might think they went nowhere,but to the simulated places with visual goblins,their target treasure hunts.The foreign country seemed to have encountered the similar situation and the high-way administrator put out the ban sign line-No pokman go , while driving -to warn the pokemon fans In the government eye, always ' it is better safe than sorry'.As many Democratic countries,they canno...

學測看圖作文Demo 34 skylantern

  學測看圖作文Demo 34     skylantern 第一段看圖說故事 第二段面對這幾張圖的情況,您可以政府或遊客的觀點表明的看法或立場 by David Pai One of the famous activities  for world touists to visit  Taiwan for  is  to witness  Ping Hsi 's sky lantern  release.On the scene    gathering  are a group of keen sky lantern releasers, busily and seriously writing their wishes on the   facets of the paper lantern.They are usually are in  groups of twos , threes ,or more.The writing is the joint-work  completion. Accounting to the customs,the higher they fly,the more likely  ,their wish  come true. Before long, almost all the lantern flew into the sky,some which even was almost gone out of sight. It seems an happy ending for most participants except the wreckages somewhere , which  can be an litterings ,or even cause  fires in rare cases. In the government eye,I think the positive value of the activity is much more its bad effect-litterings and t...