
目前顯示的是 1月, 2022的文章

學測兩段式規範作文(46)-台灣世界上最有名的或為傲項目 by David Pai (白正為)

學測兩段式規範作文(46)-台灣世界上最有名的或為傲項目  by David Pai (白正為) 英文作文:  舉例說明,台灣世界上最有名的或為傲項目,包含人情,風俗習慣,產品,製度甚至於文化 第一段:至少舉例一想,說明這個有名的產品,風景,文化,風俗習慣和製度 第二段說明為什麼會有名的原因 The item I am proud of is Taiwan’s MRT systems and passengers’ riding manners   , forming a good impressions on most passengers from abroad and local.First, people can get a good service at a quite a affordable price.In my eye,it is a good buy with such a high utility.Besides,the ticketing can be on just one swiping,all matters are settled.What counts is that everyone is so kind and voluntary to make room for the aging as a people's routine . This brings about/mirrors an amiable image of ‘peace-and- love ride'.Besides, almost no litterings you can find. Neat  ,tidy and efficient is the whole picture of MRT.Also the administrators are  so active in services to meet the riders’ demand at a fast pace. The outstanding of MRT systems and benevolent riding manners derive from /lies in the following factors: First, with...

學測兩段式看圖規範作文(45)-父母對你的教養 by David Pai

  學測兩段式看圖規範作文(45)-父母對你的教養  by David Pai 英文作文 提示 : 以下四張圖顯示常見的四種父母教孩子的方式 , 请以此為主題 , 寫一篇至少 120 字的作文。 第一段說明你的父母對你的教養是以上哪一種方式 , 若四種都不符合 , 請描述你 父母對你的教養方式。 第二段說明你是否認同這樣的教方式、有何利弊 , 或是你希望 這樣的教養方式有什麼可以改善。 1.Authoritarian: Ask kids to be totally obedient. Choose punishment over discipline 2.Authoritative: Make rule for children. Commuincate with children. 3.Permissive Provide proper care. Let children do what they want, 4.Uninvolved: Provide no guidance or care Don't pay attention guidance or care to children. My family's children education style is authorative one. They demand  me to meet the basic requirements, like doing the homework in time and practicing studying as a routine but meanwhile allow me to have the flexibility to decide what to do and how to do it.For example,they will pay for what I want to learn, but want me to study to keep a benchmark grade as a regular student‘s job. I can have my leisure time ,but I cannot leave school work to...

學測兩段式規範作文(44)-如何處理正面或負面情緒 by David Pai

  學測兩段式規範作文(44)-如何處理正面或負面情緒  by David Pai 英文作文 ( 占 20 分 ) 說明 : 1. 依提示在「答案卷」上寫一篇英文作文。 2. 文長至少 120 字。 提示 : 人是情感的動物 , 也因此會有各種的情緒 , 而情緒的起伏變化也會影響著自己感受和人際關係。在這一年多來的 COVID-19 疫情影響之下 , 許多 隔離或是在家工作。在較少的面對面人際接觸下 , 人們較常感 (loneliness/solitude) 、害怕 (fear 還有焦慮 (anxiety 而在現今競爭的社 會中 , 想要成功的人 , 除了要有 IQ(intlligence quotient), 更要具備 EQ (emotional intelligence), 因此情緒管理 (emotion management) 成為一門不 可或缺的人生功課。現在請你寫一篇作文 , 第一段中寫出你曾經歷的一次正面或負面情緒經驗 , 包括指出這種情緒是什麼 , 你有哪些反應 : 第二段請說說你 是如何讓自己常保這種正面情緒 , 或如何處理這種負面情緒。 In retrospect of past,there was a refreshing experience .I joined an activity to donate your useless computer,and teach the computer skill for the remote poor underprivileged school children.That was a big harvest to me . Meanwhile,I feel proud of my doing ,the happiness reward seem still reside in my mind.And those I donated my computer  to often express their thanks and blessings to warm my heart.Now I learn that helping the needed can be the fountain of energy.Then , after I learn th...

學測圖表作文題 :學生進行減糖看法 by David Pai

  學測圖表作文題 :學生進行減糖看法 by David Pai 作文 : 請分項回答下列問題。 衛福部若欲針對  18  歲 ( 含 ) 以下的學生進行減糖宣導,請依據以上圖  1 、圖  2 第一段 : 請具體描述此圖內容 第二段 : 對於「中、小學校園禁止含糖飲料」,你贊成或反對 ? 提出你的看法 Here are the column graph showing the ratio of sugar intake among different sexes and age groups.Those figures reveal the information that people at a growing  and schooling age tend to consume more sugar up to the peak in senior high ,and then decline in demanding it from  a youth (around 80%)to an old  ( over 65    , down to 50%). In general,man take in more sugar than woman . I  tend to agree to let the school children has the total authority to consume sugar drinks rather than confine them or even forbid them from drinking sugar beverage. This policy may pose a difficulty  for the government or the school in practicing it.  Besides,it may be against the the basic human rights of eating freedom.The  forbidance is too much and strict,and almost narrow down the domai...

學測圖表作文題 :關注及較不關注的新聞主題 by David Pai

 學測圖表作文題 :關注及較不關注的新聞主題 by David Pai 作文 提示:上圖顯示美國 18 至 29 歲的青年對不同類別之新聞的關注度統計。請依據圖表內容寫一篇英文作文,文長至少 120 個單詞。文分二段, 第一段 描述圖表內容,並指出關注度較高及偏低的類別 第二段則描述在這六個新聞類別中,你自己較為關注及較不關注的新聞主題分別為何,並說明理由。 Here is the bar chart showing the ratio of average American’s most-attended news. Based on/according to the figures ,we can learn that the most and and the  least attracted/heeded news items are “environment and disaster' and "art and culture" accounting for 69% ,and 30% respectively.As for 'social issues ', 'internatinal affairs', and'  entertainment and celebrity ,'each falls in the small range of  around 60 ,  for 64% ,58%and 59%  We can learn that Top 2 items average Ameicans favor are 'environment and disaster'and 'social issues' ,accounting for 69% ,and 64%,while/whereas '' and 'school and education' and'art and culture' are the least attended/heeded items, for 49% ,and 30%. As for 'internatinal affairs' and ...

學測兩段式看圖規範作文Demo 43 對情緒勒索blackmail的看法 by David Pai

 學測兩段式看圖規範作文Demo 43  對情緒勒索blackmail的看法 第一段說明你對情緒勒索blackmail的看法 第二段你要舉一個你經歷或聽過的例子來說明你對這件事情的看法 I n my eye, that blackmail can be effective lies in  the  situation we are afraid of the other's negative emotion  imposed on us, which makes the recipients in discomfort,even though the blackmail is not justified.Some turn into the victims of the often emotion blackmailers.This is not a matter of right or wrong,but  the one of whether the reasons behind the blackmails is justified or not. One example I read from a news that a girl threaten  her boyfriend by showing  a poor face expression while he doesn't follow her purpose to  do something.She even doesn't say anything bad about him, but by the means-silence.Eventualy,she get a upper hand.But I doubt if the strategic emotion black mail can always succeed in making the counterpart obedient.

學測圖表作文題03 高中生持有零用錢 by david Pai

 學測圖表作文題03  高中生持有零用錢  by david Pai 二、英文作文 (提示)上圖是臺灣與美國高中生持有零用錢的分析圖,請以零用錢為主題寫一篇英文作文。 第 一段請比較兩地的差異 第二段以自己的成長經驗說明需不需要給高中生零用錢。 Here is the bar graph showing  the  ratio of average senior high students with pocket money  between  two countries-Taiwan and the US . According to the figures,we learn that in general,compared to American senior high students, Taiwan's are few with pocket money (53%to 24%) Among those with pocket money, Americans are  more on regular base than whenever (39% to 13%).However, Taiwan's senior- highs  are  even with it (12%to12%) I agree to the point that a senior high should have their pocket money on regular base,even whenever just in case.The reasons can be explained below: As we know,not only for adults,everyone need some money to some degree for their justified purposes. Money is created to get something we need.For example, Some want to have car ,and eat delicacis on important occasions.As a senior high,we not on...

中高級英文翻譯訓練 09 毛小孩歡樂耶誕套餐 by David Pai

 中高級英文翻譯訓練 09  毛小孩歡樂耶誕套餐   毛小孩歡樂耶誕套餐   Happy Christmas Package for Hairy Children 手作寵物鮮食給毛小孩專屬的營養均衡 Handmade pet fresh food for hairy children to have exclusive balanced nutritution 1.      隨著時下寵物飼養觀念改變,貓、狗等寵物被視為家中的一員 With nowadays’ change of pet breeding concepts, pets such as cats and dogs are regarded as members of the family 2.     飼主也越來越重視這些「毛小孩」的飲食均衡,甚至以自製鮮食取代加工乾糧 Feeders are also putting more and more emphasis on the balanced diet of these "hairy children", and even replace processed dry food with homemade fresh food 3.       從食材營養到配色擺盤,絲毫不馬虎,還會與毛小孩一起在節慶時「吃大餐」同樂 From the nutrition of the ingredients to the colorful plate, it is not careless at all, and it is also fun to eat a big meal with the hairy children at the festival 4.    健康吃的同時,也用料理與毛孩歡慶佳節。 While eating healthily, people also celebrate the festival with their hairy children with dishes. 5. 毛小孩跟人一樣...

學測兩段式看圖規範作文Demo 42 體驗不同風情 by David Pai

學測兩段式看圖規範作文Demo 42     體驗不同風情 二 、 英 文 作 文 ( 占 20 分 ) ﹝提示 ) 遊歷世界各國體驗不同風情是許多人的夢想 。 請觀看下面三張圓裡的活動 , 選出你最想去體驗的一個活動 , 並寫一篇英文作文 。 第一段請寫出你還這個活動的原因 第二段請發揮想像力 , 敘述你參加這個活動的可能流程 。 The activities I would like to participate in most is Water Festival in Thailand.There are several reasons for me to participate in: For the first, it  refresh my spirit to experience the exotic activity.I believe  experiecing foreign culures can open my horison. As confucious’ saying,”Read scrolls of books,and expeidate long miles.”,which contains the wisdom “move and learn”.Then I can make a comparasion of culure between Taiwan’s  and Thailand’s,which may inpire my thinking. Last but not least, I would like to enrich my albium by this trip. Then I can introduce it to my descendant. In the beginning, before the dawn,you can find people  prepared for all kinds of containters on purpose at every corner you can see.Almost none  wears raincoat. Ater 8,the annual routine kicked off....

學測兩段式看圖規範作文Demo 41 吃到飽餐廳 by David Pai

學測兩段式看圖規範作文Demo 41  吃到飽餐廳     提示  : 請觀察以上有關某家新開幕吃到飽餐廳的新聞報導圖片 ,並根據圖片內容想像其中發生 的一個事件或故事, 寫一篇英文作文 。文分兩段, 第一段描述兩張圖片 中所呈現的場景,以 及正在發生的狀況或事件﹔ 第二段則敘述該事件 ( 或故事 )   接下來的發展和結果 。 Eating is people's first.It is no news that formed outside the food court is a large crowd line  , even two.That day , toward noon ,the  dinners cannot wait to get a good place to sit to enjoy hundreds of dishes at a price.In their eye,eating nicely is more a action than words.Without hide,their faces shed the feelings of happiness by nature.Since the dishes supply is all the time ample,there is no rush phenomenon.it turns into a kind of eating culture  to eat buffet on a huge court with a large number of unfamiliar people. As there are different kinds of people in the world ,so are there different kinds of dinner s. Few of them care about the food calories while eating.But some do.We can see some foods are left on the plates ,a pity .Some eat the food as much as th...

學測兩段式看圖規範作文Demo 40 乾旱缺水 by David Pai

    學測兩段式看圖規範作文Demo 40  乾旱缺水 提示︰你認為下面兩張圖片中呈現的是什麼景象?你對這些景象有什麼感想? 請根據圖片內容,寫一篇英文作文,文分兩段。 第一段描述兩張圖片的內容,包括其中的人、事、物以及發生的事情; 第二段討論導致這個現象可能的原因,並說明你認為未來可以採取什麼具體的因應措施,以避免類似景象再度發生 by David Pai Coming into is a extreme sight of drought. Zooming in the river land, we come upon  a surpising scene of dried reservoir at a very frigh tening level close to the bottom.There used to be water now turning out  a bank land. People at that time were  in some degree of plight. Rather than just sitting idle,those in the area of water are desperately in making their most to acquire the water from the rescue water-tank truck. A buch of large or medium-size containers are gathering beside the truck ,waiting for being filled up.The misery of water shortage is imaginable.   The possible reason of these occurances can be traced to the  2 reasons: Taiwan’s landscape and the weather pattern. For the formwe, Taiwan’s landsacpe are most mountains and narrow river paths,which ...

中高級英文翻譯訓練 09 2021 台北燈節Taipei Lantern Festival by David Pai

    2021 台北燈節 Taipei Lantern Festival,2021 1. 年末時分,各種節慶活動在台北街頭陸續登場,堆疊出歡欣愉悅的城市樣貌 At the end of the year, various festivals appeared on the streets of Taipei, stacked with the joy of the city 2. 不妨乘著這喜悅氛圍,走上街頭,共感台北的熱鬧歡慶。 Might as well take this happy atmosphere, go to the streets, to feel the lively celebration of Taipei 3. 多人引頸期盼的「 2021 台北燈節 ⸺ 七彩八寶新世界」終於要登場了! Many people look forward to the "2021 Taipei Lantern Festival Colorful eight treasure New World" is finally coming on! 4. 今年燈節結合 數位科技與地方特色,規畫七彩、八寶、新世界等最「牛」燈區 This year's light festival combined with several science and technology and local characteristics, regular painting colorful, eight treasure, new world and other the most "cattle" light area 5. 同時還以 AR 技術打 造虛擬燈區,帶來不同賞燈體驗。 At the same time, using AR technology to create a virtual light area brings different light appreciation experience. 6. 今年燈節採「線上 × 線下」方式舉辦,無法到場也能線上 賞燈不缺席! This year's lantern festival adopt...

學測兩段式規範作文Demo 39穿越時空和一位歷史人物度過一天 by David Pai

 學測兩段式規範作文Demo 39 穿越時空和一位歷史人物度過一天  by David Pai 如果可以穿越時空和一位歷史人物度過一天, 一定是個很棒的經驗!請寫一篇英文作文 第一段說明你會邀請哪一位歷史人物和你一起度過這一天?為什麼? 第二段描述你會如何規劃這一天或一起做些什麼事。    One  historical icon  I would like to invite is Dru Ger- Lian(諸葛亮),who  ever showed his brilliant and excellent strategic planning in managing his country,and in manouvering and  meddling with his rivals to survive from many  adversities and crises.The reason why I like to invite him is that I want to learn how he acquired the planning ability,and how he lived in a day. I want to find the tip how to make him so unantecident. During the day I would stay with him,to do so,I would asked   him to be my tutor for one day.In return,I would bring 3 delicious smoked pig legs as a gift and help him clean the room.I would eat and chat with him from time to time.Meanwhile, I would want to ask his study method,which may give me a good inspiration .I would be glad to be a  one-day cook.Last but no...

學測兩段式規範作文Demo 39 一件出其不意的難忘的事事發生,描述經過 by David Pai

 學測兩段式規範作文Demo 38一件出其不意的難忘的事事發生,描述經過 第一段就是你的心路歷程,有一件出其不意的難忘的事事發生,描述經過 第二段對這件事發生過後,就是說你的感想或看法 It occurred last year ,an event that ever makes me  recall it again and again.That morning ,I woke up late ,and had no time to eat breakfast.I grabed a piece of sandwich,and rushed to the school.Oh boy,to my surprise, I found my wallet  out of money but with  the UCard with 30nt deposited . Toward noon, I had not enough money to purchase the lunch,so all I could do was stay on my own seat and rested.Before long,my neighbor classmats found this, and withoutout hesitance,he gave part of his lunch box dishes  to me,and lent his lunch box cover as a plate for me.As more classmates found this.they also gave their meat,stewed eggs,and chicken legs ,...etc one by one in a row. In a while,my lunch plates  was already  occurred with their donated food. This was beyond my expectation,and I was so moved I think I learn some things from the incident. For the first, friends...

中高級英文翻譯訓練 08 古蹟歷史老建築 宗教朝聖Historical sites and Religious pilgrimage by David Pai

  古蹟歷史老建築 宗教朝聖 Historical sites and   Religious pilgrimage 景點介紹 Attractions introduction 1.  位於迪化街 1 段的霞海城隍廟,建於西元 1856 (咸豐六年),占地約 46 餘坪 Xia Huahai City God Temple, located in the 1 section of D ihua Street, was built in1856 (Xianfeng the six th   year) and covers an area of more than 46 pings   2.  雖沒有巍峨之廟貌,然其信仰圈極廣、香火鼎盛 Although there is no towering temple appearance, but its belief circle is very wide, with incense heyday 3.  每逢迎神賽會總是熱鬧非凡、蔚為地方大事,與大稻埕的地方發展息息相關。 Every   god-welcoming   competition is always lively and is a local event, closely related to the local development of DadDaocheng 4.  城隍廟內主祀霞海城隍老爺,從祀二判官 ( 文、武判 ) 、謝范二將軍 ( 七、八爺 ) ,配祀三十八義勇公。 City God temple in the Lord worship Hai City God Lord, from the worship of two judges (Wen, Wu), Xie Fan two generals ( the seven th, the eight   grand   m a n), with worship of 38 brave s . 5.  也包括 城隍夫人、八司官、八將軍、馬使爺、及月下老人等 Also include d are the worshiooed,   Lady City God,...